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Portfolio & Galleries

I have ALOT of work, both new and old. My gallery is very full and diverse, so be sure to take advantage of all the different sections found.

Digital Gallery

This Gallery includes most of my work thats digital. I usually do a lot of paintings, drawings, and sketches, but I also do things like modeling and animation! 

Fake Funko ---------- 150
Headshot ------------ 350

Halfbody ------------ 650
Fullbody ------------ 850+

Add Rig -------- +200-650
Add Anim ------- +30-200

Rig pricing heavily varies depending on complexity, would have to be discussed. Due to the variety of my 3D models I suggest talking to me directly regarding what you are looking for to get more specific pricing.

I can export any models to be 3D printable if desired! especially fake funkos :)


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